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时间:2023-01-31 10:48:02 来源:网友投稿

老人与海读后感英文1  Oldmanandtheseaofsubstanceholidayidletonothing,againandreaditagain\theoldmanandthesea\下面是小编为大家整理的老人与海读后感英文,菁选3篇,供大家参考。



  Old man and the sea of substance holiday idle to nothing, again and read it again \"the old man and the sea\", read but can"t help feeling dee*, as if not in reading a dull book, but in reading a vivid heart, a heart of latosolic red, a beating heart full of passion. It was a few years ago I couldn"t understand. I began the admonitory.

  Concise, or refining, deserve to go up gripping narrative, even if no longer novel, also can be successful, and affects the reader"s heart. The old man and the sea flow in Hemingway"s mind, filled with hot liquids, not cool.

  Tang dynasty flowed out of the audience of the preface to tengwang pavilion, meantime once said, \"hale and hearty, ning BaiShouZhiXin, poor and a stronger, don"t drop the qingyun.\" This is not only a man"s ambition, is also a true portraiture of the old man Santiago, is the most appropriate description, his soul is a kind of life, the magnificence of the general is a tragedy, or a sense of the insight of life. When the balance of the world is not for everyone, always choose and employ persons can be elevated by the other side of the symbol of bad luck, no confidence, bad luck comes easily to gobble up empty heart. People really is a very strange animal, why have the courage to face death, but have no courage to face failure? Don"t fail really so terrible? In the cold wind mixed with a bloody, perhaps this is the one really afraid of. Only the soul, is against the sea, and the nature of the confrontation, and the world, and the fate of the confrontation, such souls can do, really great, even if he didn"t succeed.


  \"The old man and the sea\" tells a story, an old fisherman Santiago didn"t catch fish for eighty-four days, by peers as a loser, but his perseverance, finally to hook a big fish, big fish dragged his boat on the sea for three days, finally killed by the old man, on the other side of the boat. Old people were repeatedly attacked by sharks in the way home, but he is still a combative, like a gladiator in the sea this cruel battle was fought stubbornly, after many difficulties and obstacles. Although the old man catch fish in homing in on the way the only the head, tail and a spine, but did not decline the old man of strong will.

  Traveled thousands of miles, into the sea. For just a fish? At the end of the day, the person"s real victory is the victory of the spirit. People no matter how much success in the material, can win our respect. And only the victory of the spirit and the spirit, that moved me, makes me and follow the old man"s child, for his tragic tears there is no denying the fact that as long as they will have defects. When a person admitted the defects and try hard to overcome it rather than to give it, no matter whether he will eventually overcome the defect, he is a winner, because he had overcome his compromise of defects, he is the winner of his own courage and confidence. Old fisherman is dares to challenge their own defects and their courage and confidence of the winner. From the perspective of the secular concept of victory, the old fisherman is not a final winner, because although he beat the big marlin start, but in the end the big marlin or let the shark eat, he is just with the big marlin at the back to the shore, that is to say, the shark is the winner. But, in the eyes of idealist, the old fisherman is the winner, because he has never been to the sea to the big marlin, nor to the shark compromise and surrender.

  \"A man can be destroyed but not defeated.\" Outer body can accept torture, the inner mind is sacrosanct. Fall on the one hand, it is precisely the stand on the other hand, in a scene like a dream, will be the end of the victory, this is the soul of San Diego, and he won"t fallen spiritual anyway. I think this is the definition of a great.

  The magnificence of the old man, ugly appearance, inner, and strengthened their hands. Anyway, no one dare say he is not a hero.

  Heroes may have to have a strong body, as a laudable, the quartet of reputation, but these are not the most important, even a dispensable. A hero, have, is the spiritual power of giant. The so-called hero, dare not to others, not really dare to people. The so-called hero, resolute, often hurt often war. He around himself, to become a person who will never be knocked down, he in the field of spirit, no failure record, nor does failure warning, even without the concept of failure. Self-confidence, persistence, hard, hard, an old man"s story, a hero of the enlightenment.

  Then I? The so-called heroes from me, perhaps I think too far away, but distance produce beauty. The beauty is all around us. I am not a hero, maybe never will be. But it doesn"t matter, I have a hero, this is enough. It tells me, is not, but the spirit and quality. It is a noble character. Maybe I"m useless, but I won"t let me stagnant pace towards success, also won"t let me dream of phoenix to fall. Don"t give in to difficulties, not bow to failure, patience, down-to-earth to don"t deserve, become impossible into possible. This is what I want to do, what I should do. If so, I tell myself that he is powerful, is a success, to the old man, never give up and never say die.


  The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway"s most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.(.liuxue86.com)It played a GREat part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

  I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.

  Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.

  My first impression of this story was from screen.

  It"s long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don"t remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume. I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. It"s pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the *e,though I didn"t think she"s beautiful. But she"s smart. However, I didn"t pay much attention to the plot. I thought it"s so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven"t read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice.

  In fact, I didn"t understand the story at that time. I didn"t know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didn"t find where" s the prejudice. I thought it"s normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting. But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length. Now, I think I have understood more about it. I"m a prejudiced person so I can"t find where"s wrong. I merely like to do the things I like. Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.

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